Welcome to the website of Trio Imàge
Concerts spring 2024
Germany: 19.04.2024, 20.00 Gut Siggen, Siggener Kultursommer https://www.toepfer-stiftung.de/was-wir-tun/siggener-kultursommer
Germany: 21.04.2024, 17.00 Schloss Melschede Kammermusikkonzert https://schloss-melschede.de/konzerte.php
Spain: 08.05.2024, 18.30 Madrid "Cerrar los ojos", Fundación Juan March https://www.march.es/es/madrid/concierto/cerrar-ojos-iv
Our 4th CD is out!
a CAvi - music/Deutsche Grammophon recording

buy the CD here:

Still available: Chamber music by Hans Sommer
World premier recording of chamber music by Hans Sommer (1837 - 1922)
more information here:
buy the recording here:
Still available: The Debut CD of Trio Imàge, the ECHO Klassik Prize winning record of all Piano Trios by Mauricio Kagel:
More informationen available at: Avi-music.de and Schimmer PR.
This album is available at:

"Trio Imàge's performance of Brahms' Piano Trio No. 2 in C Major turns out to be a serious and deep affair... The three talented musicians, who play with wonderful sensitivity and subtlety, do not let the Scherzo pass playfully by their audience: Each repeated note follows eerily and rapidly on from the last, bathed in a diffuse and fleeting pianissimo, a wonderfully delicate vibrato – creating a listening experience that without a doubt can be described as the first big highlight of the 15th Hambach Music Festival.“ "... Trio Imàge celebrate Shostakovich's Piano Trio No. 2 with an intensity that nearly – but because of their technical perfection only nearly – takes them to the tonal point of no return. Afterwards, the audience is beside itself and reacts with a storm of enthusiasm. "When playing Mozart every little unevenness is immediately audible. For once Trio Imàge turns that theory on its head with a flawless rendition of the Piano Trio in B Major that is reminiscent of a studio recording. Crystal-clear articulation, richly contrasting dynamics, brisk tempi, strong accents, firm fingering: Trio Imàge's trademarks can turn Viennese Classicism into a striking auditory experience too. Not a single note is lost, not even in the opulently virtuoso passages, every tiny little turn in the music is heard with razor-sharp clarity.“ "... The energetic, uncompromising interpretations of Brahms, Turina, Shostakovich and Mozart left the audience in the Great Hall in Hambach Castle and in the Saalbau in Neustadt positively speechless.“ "... Alongside the incredibly nuanced range of sounds available at their fingertips – one has to admire, for example, Gergana Gergova's (violin) and Thomas Kaufmann's (cello) immensely subtly differentiated and sensitive use of a wealth of vibrato and bowing techniques – it is the Trio's energetic, rhythmic creativity that fascinates its listeners and regularly elicits storms of enthusiasm.“
Markus Pacher, Die Rheinpfalz, 15th Hambach Music Festival, June 2011
"They were to perform three intricate compositions — Mozart's Piano Trio in C Major, Beethoven's Piano Trio in E Flat Major and Brahms Piano Trio in C Major (the first two were composed in Vienna) — but it seemed a pleasant evening of music-making by friends at ease with each other who wanted to share with the audience the cherished masterpieces they loved playing. Their performance was a perfect marriage of mannerism and music — Nechev's aristocratic pianism merged well with Gergova's spirited rendition and Kaufmann's soulful bowing."...
..."Trio Imàge's performance had individual incision, mutuality of gesture, lyrical quality and a lightness of being."...
..."Nechev's warm, honeyed tone was a fine counterpoint to Gergova's lightness of spirit, and since part of the charm of chamber music is to return the compliment of another player with ease, Kaufmann adapted his cello in places to match Gergova's. The second movement, similar to an operatic aria, had the piano singing the melody, with the cello echoing the violin's motifs. The joyful rondo of the final movement had the cello taking the lead with graded, accurate staccato playing.“
Deepa Alexander, November Fest Chennai, the Hindu 11/2010